Power outage on Maine Campus. Rivertown campus has power and is open as usual. Please drop your Pre-K/K students off at the Rivertown campus at usual time.
Power outage on Maine campus. Faculty to report as usual. Families will be notified for delayed start time as soon as power is restored. Entergy has prioritized our school and anticipates restoring power by 8:30. Info on bus pickup is forthcoming.
-Dr. Glaser
Phone calls for push messages are NOT coming from the Maine Ave. school number.. They will be from 504-229-2135. Please save this number as "KDHSA Push Message". If you are missing a call from 504-233-4720, someone at the school is trying to contact you.
Due to parade traffic, After Care will end promptly at 5:00pm. Please ensure that you make arrangements to pick up your students no later than 5:00pm.
Thank you!
Please take caution approaching carpool. Power Blvd. has been just reopened after being closed most of the day. Beware and take other routes.
9th Graders...Don't forget to purchase your tickets to our Mardi Gras Ball! The dance is Saturday, March 4th from 7-10pm at Heritage Hall. Tickets are $15 a person or $25 a couple. Tickets are sold during recess.
Due to Friday night parade traffic, After School Care will end promptly at 5:00pm on Friday, February 24. Thank you!
Just a reminder KDHSA DOES have school tomorrow. Dont forget to turn in your $10 donation PER FAMILY to support the Gala and your students can wear free shoes of choice!
Prospective Parents: The application window for the 2017-18 school year closes this Friday (2/17/17) at 10 AM. We are accepting applications for students entering Pre-K -10th grade.
We are hiring teachers for the 2017-18 school year! Check out our Career Center by following this link, https://tinyurl.com/hdyomnj
Re-enrollment form link (1 submission for each student): https://goo.gl/forms/JlaTkjBDqLJTu9e72
**REMINDER** Student re-enrollment forms are due 2/14. Follow link in previous email to complete 1 form per student.
For $2 dress down on Valentine’s Day (2/14) and help raise money for Science Olympiad! Dress requirements: Jeans (no holes), closed toe shoes, and red/pink shirt. Money due to HR teachers on 2/14.
If your 5-8 grade Swamp Owl is interested in trying out for the boys baseball team, register them for the FREE baseball clinic on Feb. 14-16! https://goo.gl/forms/BlKTUDsPZam1RhYT2
All students and faculty participating in the Color Run earned a Color Run Dress Down for tomorrow, Friday, February 10!
Wear your Color Run shirt and appropriate dress down bottoms.
Its time for current student re-enrollment! Parents/Guardians, please check your email and complete one form per child by February 14, 2017.
Come join other KDHSA families at KDHSA Spirit Night at 2 Amigos Mexican Buffet on Thursday, February 9th from 4pm-9pm. 20% of the proceeds to benefit KDHSA! One lucky classroom will win a taco party
Come join us for our 1st Annual PTO NEST BINGO Night on Sunday, February 12 at 4:30pm. $10 per game card (up to 6 games) More details in the attached flyer and in the events section.
KDHSA students are back to resuming their normal school day. Our top priority is always safety of our students & staff. We monitor all weather situations closely to ensure that our students are safe.
In response to current weather conditions, both campuses are currently following tornado procedures. Students & staff are calm and safe. We will continue to keep you updated.