Early Dismissal Reminder - Wednesday, 12/19/2018 KDHSA Families, This message serves as a reminder we have early dismissal at the the DEC, Rivertown, Maine, and Vintage Campuses Wednesday, December 19, 2018. Students will be dismissed as follows: Early Dismissal Times by Campus: Discovery Education Center (PreK) 1:40 pm Rivertown Campus (K) 1:50 pm Maine Campus (1st-8th) 2:00 pm Vintage Campus (9th-11th) 1:00 pm All campus pickups are at the normal location. Community Works after school enrichment will be provided for students who have signed up. Please make the necessary arrangements for student pick-up. Bus service will be provided. Thank you in advance for your attention to this message. KDHSA Admin TEAM
about 6 years ago, Discovery Schools
PBIS Black and Gold Day Monday, Dec. 17th, $1.00 Lower School Students may wear a Saints Shirt with uniform bottoms on Monday, Dec. 17th for $1.00. Let's show our Saints pride by wearing black and gold shirts this Monday! Who Dat! 1st Grade students must wear their uniform as they are going on a field trip to Global Wildlife.
about 6 years ago, Lyn Kelly, Principal PreK-4th
Middle School $2 for 4 Dressdown - $2 for 4 dress Down Days” December 17 - 20, 2018 KDHSA Middle School Families: Let’s celebrate the first half of the school year!!!All 5th - 8th grade students have the option to participant in the “$2 for 4 dress Down Days” December 17 -20, 2018. Please click on the link below to view the flyer. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1An3X7wbPpUjnhvERegFsFCdrYj-CoEswjJNSUfRtfVE/edit?ts=5c12c4fb
about 6 years ago, Dr. Watson, Principal 5th - 8th
*Parent Coffee Chat Reminder* KDHSA PreK- 8th Grade Families: Two “School Culture” Parent Coffee Chats are scheduled Wednesday, December 12th in the Maine Campus library. The first will take place at 8:30am and the second at 5:30pm. Donuts, juice, and coffee will be provided by KDHSA PBIS. PreK - 8th students who have a parent or guardian attend will be allowed to wear shoes of choice and/or socks of choice. Thursday, December 13, 2018. Click on the link below to RSVP. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScTeql6gTFeEkLDHUw4LNp7YAJPAk7lqmY4G_CHXu4spCkhkQ/viewform?usp=sf_link The Coffee Chat flyer can be viewed at the link below : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yF140EoYDjMcAhyyVqaCbf-P5njvvKWlfWFpBaz5wNk/edit We look forward to seeing you Wednesday! KDHSA Admin
about 6 years ago, Discovery Schools
KDHSA MIddle School Families: To view our upcoming events in the month of December, click on the link below view our December 2018 Middle School Newsletter. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b46ARH-Uich0w48fIDglGMwi2BLRbc1RsLtjzSwT4WM/edit As a reminder our End of 2nd Quarter Assessments are scheduled December 10 - 14. Please be sure your child is present, well rested, and prepared to do his/her best work. As always, thank you for being our partners in educating your children. With H.E.A.R.T., Dr. Watson
about 6 years ago, Dr. Watson, Principal 5th - 8th
KDHSA Winter Holiday Concert Starring 1st-4th grade students with guest performers from the 5th and 6th grade keyboarding classes Where: Vineyard Church 4340 Sal Lentini Pkwy, Kenner, LA 70065 When: Tuesday, December 11, 2018, 6 PM Performing students should arrive by 5:40 PM Cost: Free! Please consider bringing a canned vegetable to donate to Vineyard’s food pantry. *Students should wear nice holiday attire. *Participating students should be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
about 6 years ago, Lyn Kelly, Principal PreK-4th
PreK-8th Grade College Shirt Day Friday December 7, 2018 You are scholars and college bound! Friday, December 7, 2018, all PreK - 8th grade students may a college shirt or sweater with normal uniform bottoms. Click on the link below to view the College Shirt Day flyer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x_kyonBZbKKk86fK4-hLfizq12eKdiK_6opS1x-I6FQ/edit
about 6 years ago, Dr. Watson
KDHSA PreK - 8th Grade Families: Our next Parent Coffee Chat highlighting “School Culture”, will be presented by our Lower School and Middle School Deans at the Maine Campus Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 8:30am and again at 5:30pm in the library. Please click on the link below to view the flyer. We look forward to seeing you! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yF140EoYDjMcAhyyVqaCbf-P5njvvKWlfWFpBaz5wNk/edit PreK - 8th grade children of parents attending either of the coffee chats will be allowed to wear shoes of choice and/or socks of choice Thursday, December 13, 2018.
about 6 years ago, Dr. Watson, Principal 5th - 8th
12/3/2018 KDHSA Families, In order to maintain organization throughout our campuses, we have created new emails for each location office. We are requesting that all parents use the new office email addresses to communicate with each front office. Please see the chart below for the email address you will use to communicate with office staff for absences, tardies, doctor’s appointments, transportation changes, and any other information needed to be shared with the school offices. This new system will allow us to consistently receive important information, in the event that a substitute is filling in for any office staff member. Please begin using this new system as of Wednesday, 12/5. As we transition over the next few weeks, the office secretaries will check both inboxes to ensure all information is received. As of January 14th, 2019, the office secretaries will no longer check their personal Discovery email accounts for parent communications. Please send all communications using the email addresses shown below. Location Email Address for Office Staff Rivertown [email protected] Discovery Education Center (DEC) [email protected] Maine - Lower School (1st-4th grade) [email protected] Maine - Middle School (5th-8th grade) [email protected] Vintage [email protected] Thank you for your cooperation with this request. With HEART, KDHSA Admin Team
about 6 years ago, Sharon Preen, Assistant Head of School
Maine Campus Update 11/29/2018 KDHSA Families: Please note an incident occurred this afternoon at the Maine Campus that resulted in the City of Kenner Police Department being called out to review. Two adults, one male and one female, visiting one of the entities located near the Maine Campus were observed attempting to photograph middle school students on the blacktop. KDHSA staff and administration were quickly notified and quickly intervened. Kenner Police responded swiftly to resolve the situation. No one was harmed during this incident. License plate, driver’s license information, and car description were obtained by police. They were warned by police not to be on the grounds of the school or photograph students again. As always, your child’s safety is paramount. Thank you for being our partners as we continue to carefully manage all matters as it relates to the safety and welfare of your child at KDHSA. Kindly, KDHSA Admin Team
about 6 years ago, Discovery Schools
KDHSA Middle School Families: Please click on the link below to view a message from Dr. Watson. Have a happy holiday! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hoyx29b_s5zkayDhazQZOlj01d85N8VHVehlcvTVEX8/edit?usp=sharing
about 6 years ago, Dr. Watson, Principal 5th - 8th
Volunteers Needed! Fun Thursday Snack is tomorrow since students will be off on Friday and we need your help! Please come share in the excitement with the students before they leave for break. See the sign up link below: ​https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090F48AFAA29A0FB6-maine
about 6 years ago, Michelle L. Duplantier, Social Worker
Book Fair Late Night Shopping Tomorrow Please join our Librarian, Ms. Emily Rogers, from 4:00 - 6:00 pm in the library on Maine Campus for late night book shopping on Wednesday, November 14th. Come shop for holiday gifts by entering the building from the Cafeteria entrance after carpool.
about 6 years ago, Lyn Kelly, Principal PreK-4th
PreK - 8th Grade Cold Weather Uniform Guidelines KDHSA PreK - 8th Grade Families: We hope you are off to a great week! As you may know, cold temperatures are expected throughout this week. Please use the link below to access our cold weather uniform guidelines. https://docs.google.com/docume... Thank you for your attention to this message! With H.E.A.R.T., KDHSA Admin
about 6 years ago, Dr. Watson
KDHSA 3rd - 11 Grade Families: Our next Parent Coffee Chat titled, “Student Cyber Safety”, will be presented by the KDHSA Counseling Team at the Maine Campus Wednesday, November 14, 2018, at 8:30am. Please click on the link below to view the flyer. We look forward to seeing you! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gdpxhFzu4bb8p8pyh3uRFN_xb-OqntRvu2syPKLbVZc/edit
about 6 years ago, Discovery Schools
Kenner Discovery Parents and Guardians: On Thursday, School Performance Scores were released. I waited until the weekend to send this message, so I had time to fully understand the new accountability system and series of scores. 2018 School Performance Score (SPS) – B* 2018 School Assessment Letter Grade- B 2018 School Progress Letter Grade- A * The SPS is a combination of the School Assessment Grade and the School Progress Grade 2018 Top Gains Honoree YES The Louisiana Department of Education is transitioning to a new, more stringent accountability system to measure schools and districts. Under the new accountability formula, Kenner Discovery’s overall 2018 School Performance Score (SPS) is a “B”. The new system measures students’ performance on annual tests and students’ progress toward attaining Mastery on tests. Kenner Discovery’s Performance Grade is a “B’ and Progress Grade is an “A”. Kenner Discovery is also a Top Gains Honoree which recognizes our ability to grow students toward the Mastery goal. As listed in this nola.com article, (http://s.nola.com/og4KuIG) of Jefferson Parish’s 60 elementary schools, Kenner Discovery is the 6th highest performing school. The top 4 schools are selective admissions academies. Consistent with the last 4 years, Kenner Discovery is the 2nd highest performing open enrollment school in Jefferson Parish. We support more stringent accountability, and this year our performance is as a B/A (performance/progress) school. With 69% Economically Disadvantaged students, 14% Special Education students, and 151 additional students, we are proud of our academic achievements. As always, we will strive for higher achievement in the 2018-19 school year and an A/A (performance/progress) school score. We appreciate every coffee chat you attend, every night that you help with homework/projects, and every volunteer hour that you give. Parents and Guardians, thank you for being our partner as we move down the new road of school accountability and school growth. With a Proud HEART, Dr. Glaser
about 6 years ago, KDHSA
No classes on Friday... what better way to tire out the kids than KDHSA Skate Night on Thursday! 6:30pm to 8:30pm (doors open 6:15pm) Airline Skate Center in Metairie $5 per skater, skates included but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. If you have non-KDHSA friends or family who want to join in the fun, please bring them along. *Parents who are not skating do not need to pay to get in.* Food available for purchase, no outside food/drinks allowed. Extra cost to rent the walkers for kids who aren't proficient in roller skating. As long as we have at least 100 people skating, we get 50% donated back to the KDHSA PTO!
about 6 years ago, Discovery Schools
Correction: PBIS Black and Gold Fundraiser is Thursday, Nov. 8th Lower School students wear Saints Shirt with uniform bottoms. $1.00.
about 6 years ago, Lyn Kelly, Principal PreK-4th
PBIS Black and Gold Day tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 8th Fundraiser for PBIS: Wear your Saint's shirt tomorrow with uniform bottoms, $1.00. Go Saints!
about 6 years ago, Lyn Kelly, Principal PreK-4th
KDHSA Families: Please note Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy will have school tomorrow, November 6, 2018. We will follow our normal schedule. Click on the link below to view the 2018-19 KDHSA School Calendar. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/140094/2018-19_at_a_glance_FINAL.pdf
about 6 years ago, Discovery Schools