The 2025-2026 school year application window is open until February 7, 2025, at noon. Apply online at
4 months ago, Discovery
Discovery Families: We want to be sure you are aware of an opportunity to volunteer and support BROD and Discovery Fusion at the BREC Full Moon Fete Trunk or Treat event. The event will be held Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 4:00pm - 8:00pm at Independence Park (7500 Independence Blvd, Baton Rouge, LA 70806). BROD is sponsoring this event! Click on the link below to access the volunteer signup: We hope to see you there! Dr. Watson
5 months ago, Dr. Watson
BREC Full Moon Fete Event Flier
BREC Full Moon Fete Event Map
Discovery Schools Communications - Stay Updated!
6 months ago, Discovery
BROD is nominated in 2 categories in Baton Rouge Family Magazine Family Favorites! Please vote BROD for "Favorite Charter Elementary School" and Favorite Charter Elementary School - Dr. Charles Natt". Vote online daily until August 15th!
7 months ago, Discovery
vote for  us
Last reminder to order your 24-25 Discovery spirit shirts! The pre-order closes tomorrow.
9 months ago, Discovery
One week left to pre-order spirit shirts for the 24-25 school year!
9 months ago, Discovery
mock up
Good afternoon families, As we enter our new school year, please take time to visit the school toolbox website to view student grade level school supply packages for the approaching school year. Go Swamp Owls 💚💙 💚🦉.
9 months ago, Byrian Collins
Order Supply List
The 24-25 spirit shirts are available to pre-order! The pre-order will close on 6/24/24.
9 months ago, Discovery
Greetings, BROD Families The Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery Health Sciences Academy 2024–2025 school supplies are available now at School Tool Box. Please view the enclosed letter for steps to access your child's school supplies. All of the materials for your child's grade will be included in a single box of prepackaged school supplies.
9 months ago, Byrian Collins
Order your school supplies here.
We are seeking student artwork for the 24-25 spirit shirt! Please see flyer for details:
11 months ago, Discovery
Dear BROD Families, We look forward to you joining us for our reading parade on tomorrow! Parents and family can begin arriving to the gymnasium at 12:15 p.m.
about 1 year ago, Byrian Collins
BROD Reading Parade:
Our application window closes on Friday, Feb. 2 @ noon. Complete and submit your application for the 24-25 school year online at
about 1 year ago, Discovery
application deadline
Vote for Discovery Schools to win the Champions of Choice school spotlight award!
about 1 year ago, Discovery
January 15 2024 Dear Parents & Guardians, Due to the severe arctic weather with the potential of dangerous icing on the roads overnight tonight, we are closing the Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery Campus tomorrow, January 16 2024. The safety of our students, families, staff, and bus drivers is our top priority. BROD Campus is closed Tuesday, 1-16-2024. All classes and extracurricular activities are canceled tomorrow. We will communicate plans for Wednesday January 17, 2024, as we monitor the frigid weather impacts predicted for Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Please stay safe and warm. With HEART, Dr. Glaser, Ms. Preen & Dr. Natt
about 1 year ago, Sharon Preen, Assistant Head of School
Dear BROD Families, Please join us at one of our two sessions, as we discuss how to navigate our Discovery online learning resources at home. In Person Session on Thursday, January 18th Time: 5 to 6 PM Where: BROD Campus (Parents will enter at the front office) Virtual Session: On Zoom Friday, January 19th Meeting ID: 727 342 6297 Passcode: 129470 Time: 5 to 6 PM
about 1 year ago, Byrian Collins
Tech Talk with BROD Parents!
Good morning families, If your child received a HEART award recognition certificate today, he/she can have a 3D Day (Dress Down Day) on Friday (10//20/23) 💚💙💚🦉. Have a great day and an awesome weekend! Dr. Natt
over 1 year ago, Charles Natt
The 23-24 Spirit Shirts are now available to order online at the Owl Shop. Due to the large number of orders we are expecting, the turnaround time for processing orders and delivery will be up to 10 school days. The shirts will be delivered to your child at school. Students may wear the current spirit shirt with regular uniform bottoms every Wednesday for the 23-24 school year. The spirit shirts are a fundraiser for the teacher mini-grant program sponsored by the PTO. Thank you for supporting your child's school by purchasing the annual spirit shirt! Link to order:
over 1 year ago, Discovery
Hello Swamp Owl Families, We are excited to have finished the first few weeks of school with everyone on our new campus. The focus has been on getting the students familiar to BROD’s campus, getting to know the staff, and learning classroom expectations. In addition, teachers have begun benchmark testing. The purpose of benchmark testing is to help determine current levels of academics, academic strengths, and academic weaknesses. Having this information helps to plan lessons in line with your child's learning. As we complete the benchmark testing, the classroom teachers will begin to move into academic instruction. However, to help your children achieve success, we are asking for any parent who has a child with a 504 plan or Individual Accommodations Plan (IAP) to provide the school with this information. If your student has received a 504 plan or an IAP at their previous school, please provide a copy of this document (via physical copy or email copy) to Ms. Byrian Collins. Ms. Byrian Collins is BROD’s Division Head and 504 coordinator. Once Ms Collins receives the information she can review it and help the staff put supports into place. Please reach out if you have any questions. BROD Admin Team Charles Natt Byrian Collins
over 1 year ago, Byrian Collins
Hello Swamp Owl Families, The Owl Shop will be on campus today & tomorrow for you to purchase school pencil pouches and discovery gear!
over 1 year ago, Byrian Collins
Hello Swamp Owl Families,  The Owl Shop will be on campus today for you to purchase school pencil pouches and discovery gear!
Please join us for a day at Discovery on Saturday, May 20th! Baton Rouge Ochsner Discovery will be hosting a day centered around our founding families and friends. We hope to see you there! See flyer for details. Please RSVP here:
almost 2 years ago, Discovery
Family Day flyer