DHSF Regular Board Meeting February 8, 2021 @ 4:15 PM. To join by computer click link at time of meeting: https://meet.google.com/xkf-kmng-rgx?authuser=0 To join by phone dial: (US) +1 650-980-7027 PIN: 943 058 966# To view agenda click here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1113430/DHSF_Board_Agenda_2.8.21.pdf
Discovery Parents:
So much going on with the virus, new strands, pivoting school status, family/work issues, concerns about limited socialization for kids.
Yes, lots for parents to process and deal with. Please let our ace Discovery counseling team help center you.
You will share, laugh, and maybe cry, but when you finish that last sip of ☕️ and the session you will not feel alone.
Please join us for:
Tomorrow: Wednesday 2/3/2021 9:00am
Virtual Coffee with the Counselors
Tomorrow’s topic:
Social Media & Internet Safety
To join coffee chat, click the link below at 9:00 AM.
Virtual Coffee with the Counselors
TOMORROW: Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021
Subject: We invite you to join the counselors to discuss: Social Media & Internet Safety
Wednesday, February 3rd 2021 at 9:00 AM
To join coffee chat, click the link below at 9:00 AM.
K-4th Parents/Guardians DJOD and KDHSA:
Having trouble with your work? We are here to help!
Homework help has been extended this week! Monday, January 25-Friday, January 29th, students will be able to log into Google Meets from 1:15pm-3:00pm to get help.
Please refer to the email sent to parents/guardians and students to access the links!
Saints Playoff Celebration: Please click the link below for information about how Discovery Schools will celebrate our home team's Divisional Playoff game this weekend.
DHSF Regular Board Meeting January 11 @ 4:15 PM. To join by computer click link at time of meeting: https://meet.google.com/xkf-kmng-rgx?authuser=0 To join by phone dial: (US) +1 650-980-7027 PIN: 943 058 966#. To view agenda click here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1068258/DHSF_Agenda_1-11-21.pdf
Shop Spirit Shirts & more at the online Owl Shop! https://discoveryowlshop.square.site/s/shop
Prospective parents, join us this Friday for a virtual admissions info session. We are offering 2 sessions on Friday. One for lower school (K-4) at 9 AM and one for middle & high school (5-12) at 10:30 AM. Parents are welcome to attend both sessions. There will also be a recording available to those unable to attend the live sessions. Follow links to register.
Lower School: https://ochsner.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vLIRuHpTT5-4C4SbfaD7Wg.
Middle/High School: https://ochsner.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wy8DikXwRIaSc9maDa_CCg
Important Notification- Pivot to Virtual Learning All Campuses
Discovery Families,
Please click the link below for an important message from Dr. Glaser and the Discovery Administration
Discovery Schools: Updates on CDC Quarantine Guidelines 12/4/20
Please click this link for about information for tomorrow's dress down.: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BeoItFoEp0rfzyupIyZjvktp4AjIwXhi_ijNjLOkzNg/edit?usp=sharing
The raffle drawing was held on November 20th at the KDHSA football game. All winners have been contacted via email today. Thanks to everyone who participated in the annual raffle and congrats to all our winners!
FAFSA Completion Workshop Tomorrow!
Hosted by LOSFA
Nov 20, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Via Zoom
Thank you all for participating in the 4th Annual Discovery Raffle. Together, we raised $18,730 for our Swamp Owls!
We will pull the winners at the KDHSA vs. Haynes football game this Friday night. Winner(s) do not need to be present to win. The winners will be announced at the football game and then contacted the next day with instructions on how to claim their prize. The prizes will be pulled in the following order: 1st prize ($5,000), 2nd prize ($2,000), and 3rd prize ($1,000).
The football game is November 20th @ 7PM at Muss Bertolino Stadium. Its also Senior Night and Homecoming - tickets are available to purchase. Limited quantities available! https://discoveryowlshop.square.site/product/kdhsa-vs-haynes-home-/39?cp=true&sa=false&sbp=false&q=false&category_id=5
All students whose family sold 10 tickets or more earned a week of spirit shirts and shoes of choice for the week of November 30 - December 4.
If you would like to view how many tickets your family sold, you can check out the leaderboard here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1011750/Raffle_ticket_list_complete.pdf
We’d like to give a huge shout out and thank you to our TOP SELLERS!
Clayton, Macyn and Marcus (DJOD) - 62 tickets sold!
Troia, Lewis (DJOD) - 60 tickets sold!
Cedre, Cali (DJOD) - 43 tickets sold!
Mederos, Sophia (Vintage/Loyola) - 41 tickets sold!
Palmisano, Landry, Levi, and Louis (Maine) - 38 tickets sold!
Thank you again for your support and participation in the Discovery Raffle!
Reminder: Raffle ticket sales will end at 11 PM tonight (11/16/20). Sell 10 tickets or more and students will earn a week of spirit shirts & shoes of choice. View the Raffle Leaderboard to see how many tickets you've sold: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1009283/Raffle_ticket_list_11.16_10AM.pdf
To purchase tickets click here: https://rafflecreator.com/pages/42027/annual-discovery-raffle
Hello Discovery Swamp Owl Family!!
Don't miss your chance to be kind...there's always time to be kind! Please take a minute to post your kindness video and share it with our community. Then, spend hours watching the prior posts. Finally, go out into the world and BE KIND EVERYDAY, ALL DAY!! Click here to post and watch: https://flipgrid.com/26262653
DHSF Board Meeting November 16 @ 4:15 PM. To join by computer click link at time of meeting:https://meet.google.com/izn-qwaf-ish?authuser=0
To join by phone dial: (US) +1 401-903-3678 PIN: 659 570 412#
It's World Kindness Day 2020!! Join the Kindness Matters Flipgrid Challenge by clicking the link and submitting a post. Then, go through the rest of your day being KIND (all day)!!! Enjoy!
Kenner Discovery Health Science Academy Virtual Book Fair
November 12-25
Our Book Fair is online! Support our school and help your child discover new books, favorite characters, complete series, and more!
You'll love the fun new option to shop for Book Fair exclusives directly from the interactive booklist and enjoy free shipping on book-only purchases over $25.
The annual raffle is now underway! Enter today for your chance to win $5,000, $2,000 or $1,000! https://rafflecreator.com/pages/42027/annual-discovery-raffle