Free Drive-Thru Dinner This Thursday! See letter for details:
A revised 21-22 calendar for KDHSA and DJOD has been emailed to all Discovery families. The calendars for the schools can be found on each school website under the documents tab.
A Discovery Health Sciences Foundation Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 20, 2021 @ 4:15 PM. To join the Zoom Meeting click the link at the time of the meeting:
Meeting ID: 830 4684 9238
Passcode: r1WkG0
To view agenda click here:
Hello Swamp Owl Families,
Please click the link for a view of our 2021-2022 Student-Parent Handbook (view only). Log into OnCourse Connect ( to sign by Friday, September 10th.
We have just received an update that The Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP) is back up and accepting preregistration. DSNAP provides eligible low- to moderate-income households who do not currently receive SNAP benefits with help buying groceries due to lost income or damages following a disaster. It’s very easy and takes about 5 minutes to complete. The food stamp program for disaster relief has not been fully initiated yet, however, preregistering can assist in expediting the process once approved. To preregister go to, Once there, follow the prompts to preregister.
Familias Discovery: Vea el enlace para el alivio del huracán Ida. Manténgase a salvo, respire profundamente y trate de encontrar un poco de paz durante este momento inquietante.
Discovery Families: See link for Hurricane Ida relief. Stay safe, take deep breaths, and try to find some peace during this unsettling time.
Hello Swamp Owl Family,
Please use this link to complete a Flipgrid of what has been your favorite thing about being back at school. Faculty and staff participation is requested as well. Ready, Set, Go!!
Please click the link below for important information regarding our school uniform for the upcoming school year:
DHSF Regular Board Meeting, May 17, 2021 @ 4:15 PM. Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 942 6248 0019
Passcode: 6H50S6
Or to join by phone, click here to find your local number:
To view agenda click here:
Good morning Discovery families,
Please click this link to see very important and exciting information about our Book Fair:
DHSF Regular Board Meeting, April 19, 2021 @ 4:15 PM. To join by computer click link at time of meeting: To join by phone dial: (US) +1 650-980-7027 PIN: 943 058 966# To view agenda click here:
Dear Discovery Parents and Guardians,
Current weather conditions are severe and came on abruptly this morning. Take your time and stay safe driving to school. Tardies will not be counted this morning at any campus.
Loyola Campus is without power as of now. It was restored early yesterday and went out within the last 30 minutes. We do not have an estimated restore time yet. We will message you when power is restored. Students arriving by bus will be accepted into Loyola campus. Students arriving by car should stay home until notified of power restoration. If power is not restored in a reasonable time, we will notify families of next steps.
Hopefully it is dry this afternoon as predicted. Stay safe and weather aware.
Discovery Administration
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The severe weather conditions today caused a few issues with power outages on the Vintage and Loyola campuses.
The Loyola Campus has a widespread power outage and the building is using a backup generator for partial emergency power. Entergy is working on restoring power but we are unable to confirm that power will be restored in time for school tomorrow. All High School students will stay home tomorrow and attend all classes online (synchronously) following their regular class schedule.
Vintage Campus has power outages throughout all of the buildings from blown ballasts. Electricians will be working tomorrow to restore electricity. Vintage internet connectivity on campus is down due to the widespread issues with power. All 5th-8th grade students will stay home tomorrow and attend all classes online (synchronously) following their regular class schedule. Click here to access the updated middle school student schedule.
K-4th Maine campus electricity and internet connectivity is functioning properly. All K-4th grade students will attend school on campus tomorrow following their regular daily schedule. Community Works aftercare will run its regular schedule tomorrow.
K-4th DJOD campus electricity and internet connectivity is functioning properly. All K-4th grade students will attend school on campus tomorrow following their regular daily schedule. Community Works aftercare will run its regular schedule tomorrow.
We will continue to monitor the weather closely and notify you if there are any changes.
Stay Safe & Dry,
Discovery Schools Administration
Parent Volunteers Needed During LEAP Testing on all Campuses. Click the link below to sign up to be a volunteer.
Parent Notice: Adjustments to School Calendar
Please click the link below for important updates to the Discovery Schools Calendar.
Notice of Admissions Lottery Protocol.
Updated on March 15, 2021.
We are busily preparing for the 2021-2022 school year. If you have not already done this, it is time to log on to On Course and complete the mandatory re-enrollment form.
The form is quick and easy to complete. It should take less than 5 minutes. Re-enrollment holds your child's seat and allows us to determine the number of available seats at each grade level as we prepare for the lottery. Even with an unusual year, we are a high demand school. We have 2,600 applicants for 400 seats. We want to thank you for your patience, support, and agility in this most unusual year. With vaccines and lower virus numbers in Jefferson Parish, we are planning and hoping that next year will be an ordinary school year. Thank you for trusting us to educate your child(ren).
With HEART, Dr. Glaser
DHSF Regular Board Meeting, March 15, 2021 @ 4:15 PM. To join by computer click link at time of meeting: To join by phone dial: (US) +1 650-980-7027 PIN: 943 058 966# To view agenda click here:
Discovery Schools Virtual Career Fair....Help us Spread the Word