KDHSA Families:
This afternoon KDHSA was notified of a disturbance at Walmart near the Maine Ave Campus. All students and staff immediately moved into lockdown. KDHSA Admin called 911 to verify the report and to inform emergency services of the school’s lockdown. The 911 operator reported that the situation was handled and under control and that KDHSA was safe to move out of lockdown. Our students and staff responded swiftly and safely to the lockdown announcement as previously practiced during multiple safety drills throughout the school year.
We know this matter may have upset some students. As you know, your child’s safety and wellbeing is paramount. Please speak with your child this evening to ensure they know that safety is our priority, and our goal is their protection.
With H.E.A.R.T. to our Swamp Owl Family
Lower School Fun Friday Snack, Tomorrow, Mar. 23rd
KDHSA Lower School will offer a Fun Friday Snack on Friday, March 23, 2018. All students who are in good standing may bring one to two dollars
($1 - $2) to purchase a snack during their recess time. Proceeds will go to the PBIS program.
Students may wear a KDHSA school spirit shirt with uniform bottoms and black shoes.
Healthy snack options include bottled water, pickles, popcorn, chips, pretzels, pringles, and other treats.
LEAP 2025 Parent Info Night. Parents/Guardians in grades 3rd-10th... Please join us on April 4th from 5:45-6:45 in the MAINE CAMPUS CAFE to get an overview of the LEAP 2025 Assessments and supporting resources. Teacher representatives will be available to answer questions and provide suggestions. A free dress reward will be given for any student whose parent attends.
Middle School Owlette Dance Team Tryouts!
(For current 5th, 6th, 7th graders)
Join the Middle School Owlettes on:
April 10 3:45-5:30
April 12 3:45-5:00
You must attend both dates to be eligible.
Meet in Ms. Oliveri’s Room (604)
Questions? Email [email protected]
Any incoming 7th or 8th graders interested in being an officer must come up with 2 eight counts to perform.
Wear your hair up, pe uniform, athletic shoes, and no jewelry. Bring a bottle of water.
KDHSA Families,
This message serves as a reminder we have early dismissal at the the Rivertown, Maine, and Vintage Campuses Wednesday, March 21, 2018). Students will be dismissed as follows:
2:00pm - PreK/K Rivertown Campus and Vintage Campus
2:10pm - All Maine Campus students from usual pick up points
Community Works after school enrichment will be provided for students who have signed up. Please make the necessary arrangements for student pick-up. Bus service will be provided.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this message.
The 2018-2019 school calendar is now available in documents on the school's website. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/140094/2018-19_at_a_glance_FINAL.pdf
KDHSA Family Beach Sweep, Saturday, March 24
In keeping with the school's mission to "practice environmental responsibility", you are invited to participate in the annual Beach Sweep organized by the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation (LPBF). This community event will be held Saturday, March 24, 2018. Swamp Owl families will work together to make our neighborhood litter free.
But isn't it a BEACH sweep?!? Well, the water and litter from the storm drains in our neighborhoods will eventually wind up on the beach!
Please register yourself and your family under the group name Kenner Discovery. Each family will need to register individually. Here is the link for you to register your family for Spring Sweep: https://lpbf.wufoo.com/forms/kc4o1kh0h3f0v5/. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT.
We will sweep zone 50. Here is a zone map: https://lpbf.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Viewer/index.html?appid=4d5f7ee0fa7940b289b9d64fee681b3e.
Meet at the Maine Avenue campus at 9 o'clock to receive supplies and directions. There is a free picnic at the LPBF Lighthouse at 12:00. Use this link for more details. https://saveourlake.org/
Thanks so much,
Jennifer Harris
KDHSA Families:
Please note we have a Records Day / Conference Day scheduled at the Maine and Rivertown campuses Friday, 3/16/2018. Only parents with a scheduled conference time should attend. Please note there will be no classes at the Maine and Rivertown Campuses tomorrow.
Thank you for your attention to this message.
LEAP Testing is just around the corner! We will need the help of our wonderful volunteers to assist with hall monitoring as our 3rd - 8th graders test, test, test! The Hall Monitor assists test instructors with obtaining needed supplies, relaying concerns during testing to test coordinators, and ensuring the hallways remain silent while students are testing. Volunteers are needed Monday, April 23rd - Friday, May 4th from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Please see the sign up options available below. Thank you to everyone who can help out during this very important time for our students!
Wear Green Unless You are Attending a Field Trip
Greens, Jeans, & Shoes of Choice!
$2 Dress Down on March 15th
Wear a shirt with any
bit o’ green on it & jeans*.
All proceeds will help send Kenner Discovery
4-H students to Summer camp.
*students on the Maine and Vintage campuses can participate.
*All Grade appropriate Dress Down guidelines apply.
If your child is going on a field trip tomorrow, they MUST wear their uniform and not the green shirt and jeans.
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, the NORD Commission and The American Chemical Society partner to host “Exploring Our
World through Chemistry” a community science event. Residents of all ages are invited to learn about the fascinating world of chemistry through hands-on activities.
Who: Kids, families, and anyone else interested in chemistry are encouraged to attend
What: Hands-on chemistry experiments for kids of all ages
When: Saturday, March 17, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Central
Where: Lyons Recreation Center, 624 Louisiana Ave, New Orleans, LA 70115
The PTO Meeting, originally scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 13th has been canceled. We will reschedule to the same night as the LEAP 2025 Parent Info Night. The date for this meeting has yet to be determined. Please stay tuned for more details!
Lower School may wear College Spirit Shirts tomorrow
College Bound
Wear your favorite college spirit shirt!
Friday, March 9, 2018
You are scholars and college bound! March 9, 2018, you may wear your favorite college shirt with uniform bottoms and black uniform shoes.
How dare I forget High School is on a different schedule!
The OnCourse Grading Portal will remain open for High School at this time.
Christy Aymami
Early Dismissal Reminder - Tuesday, 3/6/2018
KDHSA Families, Due to the lottery this afternoon, we will have early dismissal at the the Rivertown, Maine, and Vintage Campuses today (Tuesday, March 6, 2018). Students will be dismissed as follows:
2:00pm - PreK/K Rivertown Campus and Vintage Campus
2:10pm - All Maine Campus students from usual pick up points
Community Works after school enrichment will be provided for students who have signed up. Please make the necessary arrangements for student pick-up. Bus service will be provided.
Thank you in advance for your attention to this message.
OnCourse Connect Parent Portal Closing:
The OnCourse Connect Parent/Student Portal will be closing the grades portion promptly at 2:00pm this afternoon so that teachers can work on report cards. Please take this notice to check the portal for your student(s) grades. If you have questions about a student's progress while the portal is closed, please contact the teacher. The grading portion of the portal will open the day report cards go home.
High School Owlette Dance Team tryouts will take place at the HS campus on Tuesday, March 20 from 4:30-6:00 and on Thursday March 22 from 4:30-5:30. Students must go to both days of tryouts in order to be eligible. Hair must be worn up and out of the face, and students must wear athletic shoes and PE uniform. No jewelry. These tryouts are for incoming 10th and 11th graders. Those interested should pick up an info packet from the front office. Please email Coach Cikesh with any questions. [email protected]
Reminder: 4th Grade Skills to Mastery Parent Meeting Tonight, March 5th
Parents and Guardians,
As a reminder our wonderful 4th Grade teachers will be holding a Skills to Mastery Parent Meeting tonight at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria. This meeting will allow you to assist your child with skills that will be included on this year’s LEAP Test. Please enter through the cafeteria doors on 25th Street at 6:00 pm.
Thank you for being our partners in educating your child,
Lyn Kelly
KDHSA 8th Grade Families and Students:
Please join us tonight from 6:00-7:00 pm for an informative meeting regarding 8th grade Individual Graduation Planning. In keeping with the mission of Kenner Discovery, we maintain high standards and expectations for all of our students.Our goal is for our middle school students to develop the skills and aspirations that are critical to preparing for college and future careers. In addition to providing the necessary coursework and academic skill development for our students in Middle School, it is also important for the administration and teachers to assist students and families in exploring the vast opportunities available in colleges and the workforce. We would like you to join us as we provide information to enhance the journey through high school and beyond our walls.
The meeting will be held in the cafeteria. Please enter through the gate by the 100 building or the side gate by the Cafe.
All students in attendance at the meeting will receive a FREE DRESS REWARD.
Respectfully, KDHSA Admin Team
STEM Project Parents Group Information (6th & 7th Grade Parents ONLY)
We are using www.edmodo.com to keep parents informed! We use it to share important updates. Click "Join a Group" and enter the code: p6xiff
Please email [email protected] with any questions.