Friends of Discovery

Friends of Discovery Health Sciences Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization which supports public education in advancing academic opportunities and innovation for students at Discovery Schools.

kids in class with teacher

Donate to Friends of Discovery

Through financial contributions, you can have a direct impact on the lives of Discovery students, faculty, and the sustainability of our schools. Gifts of any size are welcome and are tax-deductible. Donations will be used to fund the “extras” that help us provide a facility and an educational program that goes beyond a state-funded program.

To make a donation online please click the 'donate' button.

To make a donation by mail please make checks payable to Friends of Discovery.

Mail to:

Discovery Schools

c/o Office of Development

3837 Loyola Drive, Kenner, LA 70065

Development Contacts

Kevin Guitterrez, Director of Strategic Development

Faith Broussard, Director of Development