Emeril's Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen

The DJOD Culinary Arts curriculum integration is partially funded through the generous support of the Emeril Lagasse Foundation.
Established by the Emeril Lagasse Foundation in 2016, Emeril’s Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen program integrates gardening and cooking concepts into school curriculums, creating an interactive, food-centered learning environment. Emeril’s Culinary Garden & Teaching Kitchen relies on four key pillars to guide implementation: appreciation for the source of food, understanding of nutrition and healthy eating, the development of life skills through food, and the development of culinary skills.
We believe this program is a perfect partnership for a health sciences school as it supports our mission and complements our emphasis on good nutrition and farm-to-table meals. We view the culinary garden and kitchen as a learning lab for teachers to make math, science, social studies, or art lesson come to life through experiential learning.